lately i've been noticing a theme in my dreams where i'm a total badass. the first dream i had like this involved a man attacking me and, using my jiu-jitsu and kickboxing training, i fought back and choked him unconscious. then i had another dream where someone in a white minivan was trying to hit me so i jumped up in the air, kicked them in the face through the open window and they drove off a dock into the water. last night's dream was a little different, but it involved my whole family and colby's family in a house where there was a tornado warning. no one was concerned, but i convinced everyone to get in the basement just in time before a tornado destroyed the entire house. i'm basically a hero.
i like to think that i'm having these dreams as a reflection of how i view childbirth and parenting. i am completely convinced that i will attack labor, kick it in the face, choke it out and walk out of the hospital in a blaze of glory with baby in my arms and colby by my side as the hospital is sucked up by a tornado.
Hahaha! I think you should submit that last part to Adult Swim as an idea for a new series. You are one Badass Baby Mama.