Monday, 15 October 2012

how spoiled is our cat?

packages have been flowing in on a daily basis now and we are so excited and thankful!  it's like a long distance baby shower every time i check the mail!

so far we've received a huge care package from janet full of baby basics in various sizes.  we're especially excited about all the turtles and puppies all over everything and the fact that most of the stuff is gender neutral. how cute is that cherry sweater?
we also got a package from uncle pat and aunt sara which includes teething rattles, beanie babies, hair clips, and my favorite - kitten paw socks!
kitten's nana sent us a whole SUITCASE full of stuff!  super cute north carolina onesies, christmas outfits, a pink cat hooded towel, the most adorable overalls you've ever seen....
i created a new photo album just for pictures of gifts we've gotten.  click here to see it all.
we also received a breast pump from the registry and have no idea who it's from.  i very very very much appreciate it!!!  thanks to everyone!  <3

colby, nellie, and kitten catherine


  1. YAY! This makes me so happy! I love checking the mail regardless, so I can only imagine what you feel like. haha.

    AWESOME about the breast pump, btw.

    1. the ladies at the place we have our box are probably so annoyed by me. i go in there literally every day to check and when there's a package i get SO excited and tell them what it is, or what i think it is.
