Wednesday, 24 October 2012

33 weeks

baby kitten is 33 weeks and they say she weighs as much as a pineapple.  her bones are hardening and she continues to fatten up those big baby thighs so i can tickle them!  her due date is 49 days from today.  how crazy is that?

i'm a little late getting this posted because colby and i spent the day on st. thomas.  we went to tour the hospital and honestly it feels like a setback in my confidence regarding our birth experience.  when i called the hospital i was transferred 4 times just to get to labor and delivery, and everyone i talked to seemed to be resistant to the idea of us touring even though that's a normal thing people do all the time.  when we got to the hospital, everyone was rude and unhelpful.  the midwife who showed us around seemed nice at first, but was condescending as the tour went on and we asked more questions.  she reminded me repeatedly that things don't go as planned, yet she was the one to suggest having a birth plan.  i mentioned that i want to wear my own clothes and she felt it necessary to remind me that birth is messy.  no shit?  it's not like i want to wear a designer suit, lady.  i told her we don't want the vitamin K shot, hep B vaccine, etc. and she said to be prepared to fight them on it.  i'm not fighting anyone on anything.  it's my baby and she doesn't need anyone sticking her with needles or putting chemicals in her eyes within hours of being born, and that's all there is to it.  the worst news is that i only get to hold her immediately after delivery for one hour and then they take her for 2 hours!  the reasoning is that once they bathe and weigh her she has to stay in the nursery to warm up.  it's pretty common knowledge (not to mention amazing science) that the best way to warm up a newborn baby is on her mother's chest, so i'm not happy about this at all.  at least colby gets to go to the nursery and keep an eye on her the whole time, and then she stays with me in my room until we check out.

the most exciting part of our day was going to k-mart and buying our first box of diapers!  we ate lunch at wendy's and watched cruise ship people walk by, and later went to mcdonalds for mcflurries.  i've had enough junk food for a week, but i justify it because we have zero fast food on st. john so i haven't had wendy's or mcdonald's in months.  going to st. thomas is exhausting for some reason, so we're going to get to bed early tonight and take it easy tomorrow on our second day off together in a row.  it's almost like we're normal people.

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