Wednesday, 5 September 2012

i had my first official pregnancy meltdown last night.  it was amazing boyfriend colby's 30th birthday and i failed to order him the gift he wanted in time to get it here for the 4th.  we don't go out drinking for obvious reasons, can't spend money going out to eat, and his nfl fantasy draft was 45 mins after he got home from work.  the only gift i could give him was to cook/bake anything he wanted.  neither of us realized how ridiculously difficult it is to make homemade cheesecake when he asked for it.  i assumed that since i had most standard baking supplies on hand, i could just get a pie shell and some cream cheese and whip something up.  wrong!  it turns out there is a very long (6 hours!), part science, part witchcraft process to real cheesecake.  i don't own a springform pan and wouldn't be able to get one on this island, so i opted for an "easy cheesecake" recipe i found online.  after three trips to the grocery store, i finally got the faux-cheesecake in the oven.

colby asked for pizza for dinner, so i called every pizza place on the island and they are all closed for the down season.  trip #4 to the grocery store to get pizza supplies is where the full meltdown occurred.  i took colby's debit card to the ATM to withdraw $200.  the ATM made a long, drawn out money counting sound and then said please take your cash but never gave me any cash.  then it ate his card.  with two people standing in line behind me, i dissolved into tears assuming i had just lost money with no recourse, colby's debit card from north carolina, and still had no cash or card to buy dinner.  the banks here are notorious for terrible customer service and money going missing from accounts, etc. so i just got overwhelmed with the absolute certainty that we lost all that money and could not be convinced it would all work itself out.  i went back a 5th time, got the stuff and made us some awesome pizzas.  and of course, colby went to the bank this morning and got it all straightened out, but it sure seemed like the end of the world at the time.


  1. Yeah, cheesecake is crazy hard. I have all of the tools (tried to make it for a while without an electric mixer and that was a terrible idea) and I am still working on being able to make one that I'm happy with.

    1. if you ever succeed, i'm interested in the recipe :)

  2. Awwww . . . my Nellie! I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you have someone as sweet as Colby to help you through it. That makes me happy!

  3. Well if he had not had fantasy football y'all could have gone out to a nice dinner. That is what I told him to do with his bday present. But it was his bday so guess he gets to do what he wants to. Glad he has you to understand and try so hard to make him a good bday dinner and cheesecake. I have a good recipe I use to make all the time. It does take time and once it is baked then it needs to cool for a while. Best done day before or at least in the morning for that night. Wish we could have been with him and you for this 30th.
    Just caught up on the last few blog post. Love hearing what my gbaby is compared to this week!LOL You look great and glad to see a little belly there. Means she is growing. Can't believe you look that good at 6 months and she will be here in 3! Love to you all and make him take you out to a good dinner.
