Monday, 3 September 2012


as of today, we have exactly 100 days until kitty cat thompson's 12/12/12 due date!

i spent yesterday finishing up our wal-mart registry and amazon wishlist.  we're not going to have a nursery so we are instantly saving a ton of money and all we desperately need is the playard (that's what she'll be sleeping in indefinitely) and a carseat.  we tried so hard to pick out non-pink things because we don't want to drown her in girliness, but the best pack n' play and cutest boppy were pink!  as long as nothing says "diva" a little pink is ok, but she's going to be rocking a lot of braves gear and gender neutral things for sure, and probably some actual boy clothes.

we plan to cloth diaper to save money, but decided we're going to use disposables for the first few weeks while i recover, get the hang of breastfeeding, and generally figure out how to take care of a baby human.  colby has to go back to work right away since it's going to be peak season, so i'd like to keep things simple at first.


  1. I'm going to get your baby some Juicy sweat pants that say "Diva" in rhinestones on the butt. :P

    1. LOL i told colby you said that and his response was, "the sad thing is, i'm sure those actually exist."

  2. When do you go back to the dr.? If Kitten doesn't flip, will you have a cesarean? And if so, can you schedule it for 12 minutes after 12 on 12/12/12? Cause that would be so cool, and I'm going to buy a bunch of lottery tickets!!

    1. next appointment is monday. we're going every 3 weeks now! i think she flipped again because i've been feeling kicks slightly above my belly button. if i have to schedule a c-section they usually do that a week or 2 before the due date so you don't go into labor naturally first and complicate things. i'm sure by then i won't care what the date or time is, i'll just want her OUT.
