Wednesday 1 August 2012

21 weeks

kitten thompson is 21 weeks today!  he allegedly weighs 3/4 of a pound and is the length of a carrot.  i'm feeling him move every day, especially if i have caffeine, and some of the kicks and nudges are quite painful.  i woke up today feeling like i finally look pregnant at least to people who know me, but i'm still patiently waiting for the "baby bump" that tells strangers i'm not just fat.  my belly button scars are stretching painfully, but i still have a bottomless pit of a navel with no outtie anywhere in the near future.  our little kitten has been balled up on the left side of my belly for a couple days now i guess, because when i look down i'm noticeably lopsided.  i'm sleeping pretty well and still glowing so to speak, but i felt tired and cranky today for some reason.  hopefully i'll be back to feeling like myself tomorrow.  i don't want to be the whiny pregnant lady; i want to be the annoyingly upbeat there's-a-miracle-in-my-belly mama. 

colby and i don't have compatible work schedules this week, so the weekly photos might be a couple days late but we won't forget.  some time in the next 2 weeks we will find out the sex and then i can start shopping for ridiculously adorable christmas outfits!

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