Thursday, 6 June 2013

6 months

it's kitten cat's half birthday today! she's now rolling both ways and can occasionally sit up from laying flat on her back if she rolls to one side first. she sits up longer and better every day. when she's bored with sitting, she throws herself into a crawling position and inch worms around. the only time she'll attempt a real crawling motion is when she's trying to get to the dog, and she's not very good at it. she has been noticing sebastian more and more every day, and loves to pet him. he's surprisingly tolerant of her occasional fur-grabs, but most of the time she just rubs her hand across his back gently.

cat loves her walker and has figured out how to move it where she wants to go, which is pretty much always either straight for sebastian or the box fan in the living room. that thing hurts when she runs over your feet! she isn't doing as much talking with the consonant sounds lately, but she's laughing up a storm. she loves the words "stupid" and "stop" and laughs hysterically when we say them. she also cracks up when i knock or tap on things, especially the mirror.

we tried oatmeal cereal once and avocado a few times and so far have had zero success with solid food. she threw up all her formula one day, so in a desperate attempt to keep some food down, we offered cereal. she hated it and also threw that up. a few weeks later we gave her a slice of avocado and she ignored it. i tried showing her how to eat it and handing it back to her, but she wasn't interested whatsoever. i mashed some up on a spoon and tried to feed it to her, but she made a face and spit it right back out. every time we've tried since then, she has been uninterested and then sebastian stole it!

we are officially cloth diapering and only using 1 or 2 disposables a day because right now i only have 4 pocket diapers. i'm probably going to order about 6 more and get some bamboo inserts and we'll be 100%. i've been putting a disposable on her in the afternoon before she poops because i'm afraid of washing poo diapers, but she got me today so we'll see how that goes when i do the laundry tomorrow.

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