our beautiful, perfect island baby is 2 months old today. she smiles non-stop, eats 4-5 oz at a time if we let her, sleeps 6-8 hours straight, and loves her dad almost as much as she loves staring at the shadow the ceiling fan makes on the wall. she's growing so fast and officially no longer fits in her newborn size sleepers. she still hates tummy time but she loves to "stand" and holds her head up and looks around. the other day i put her on the boppy for tummy time and she literally crawled over it. those long legs are scary strong. she's been giggling a little bit here and there, and once after she exorcist-vomited on colby, she actually laughed. we can't wait for her to start laughing all the time!
YAY!! Kitten giggles are my favorite!! <3