tiny cat isn't so tiny anymore. today she weighs 8 lb 7.5 oz and is 21 inches long. she still fits in newborn clothes and diapers but not for much longer. we have been trying to get her off the formula and 100% breastfed but she's happy, healthy, and growing so well i don't know why we would even bother at this point. when colby has the day off he wakes up with her in the morning so i can catch up on sleep. he gives her a bottle and they hang out on the couch. i don't want to take away her mornings with dad :)
look at her flashing the official gang sign of the virgin islands. VI! lol
Made me laugh! Definitely has her daddy's long fingers! Get the piano ready.
ReplyDeleteCan't believe how much she has grown and changed.Almost 3 pounds in 5 wks! Sounds like something is working. 8 days till we meet our sweet baby cat. Can't wait!!!!