Thursday, 24 January 2013
kitten is 7 weeks old today! she has eyebrows finally. she smiles and laughs, follows objects if you move them in front of her face, and is the prettiest girl in the world. her eyes are still blue and her hair is just a little bit thicker and darker than it has been. she's doing lots of babbling and just a couple days ago started making a "g" sound. any time she sees colby, she instantly lights up and smiles. she hates tummy time, but when i hold her in sitting and standing positions, she holds her head up and turns it from side to side, so her head control is where it should be.
she's been out of the house a few times, but we mostly just hang out at home where she's a super happy baby. she only fusses if she needs something, otherwise she's staring at me while i sing or talk to her, hanging out in her play gym cooing at butterflies, or sleeping. she sleeps about 10 hours at night, usually a 5-6 hour stretch to start, followed by 2-6 hours (sometimes broken into 2). i can't complain at all!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013
big girl
kitten's nana and poppy are here this week and she is making big changes
just in time for them to see her develop a personality. it's so much
fun watching her smile and giggle and become a person. she's a very
happy girl, but good lord can she EAT! some days she's nursing for 2
hours at a time, 1 hour off and then she's starving again. she is eating
4 oz bottles of formula and then demanding more within an hour. she's
growing so fast, i swear she gets heavier every time i pick her up. this
morning i threw away her last newborn size diaper and we're moving up
to size 1. it's such a dumb thing to be sad about but i can't help it.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
fatty mcfatpants
tiny cat isn't so tiny anymore. today she weighs 8 lb 7.5 oz and is 21 inches long. she still fits in newborn clothes and diapers but not for much longer. we have been trying to get her off the formula and 100% breastfed but she's happy, healthy, and growing so well i don't know why we would even bother at this point. when colby has the day off he wakes up with her in the morning so i can catch up on sleep. he gives her a bottle and they hang out on the couch. i don't want to take away her mornings with dad :)
look at her flashing the official gang sign of the virgin islands. VI! lol
look at her flashing the official gang sign of the virgin islands. VI! lol
Sunday, 6 January 2013
1 month
bébé kitten is one month old today! she has gained a slightly better understanding of what hands are and uses them to block the pacifier or bottle. a few times she has reached for the turtle on her bouncer and touched it, but it's hard to say if she's doing that on purpose just yet. she makes solid eye contact and pays close attention when i sing to her in my arms. she's showing the first signs of social smiles, but nothing consistent yet. she's been holding her head up impressively since the beginning, but now with less wobbling! we find out on wednesday how much she has grown and i can't wait.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
adventures in babywearing
i'm not the crunchiest of moms, but i really wanted a carrier of some sort because strollers aren't very useful here on the island. as it turns out, this sling we received as a gift from dr. sharon is AWESOME. i've tried putting her in it a few times over the past 24 hours and she wasn't loving it because she's been gassy/fussy, but today she nursed until she passed out with milk pouring out of her mouth and then i stuck her in here and went about my day. she's so content she slept right through me making lunch, using the microwave, toast popping out of the toaster, and she's still passed out on my chest snoozin as i write this. look how comfy and peaceful she is!
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
funny faces of kitten
i swear she's not this fat, but i can't stop laughing at this picture:
and this is her best poop face:
i made a special photo album just for silly kitten faces.
and this is her best poop face:
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