Thursday, 29 November 2012

38 weeks

i'm a day late on this update, but kitten little is 38 weeks!  i saw our midwife yesterday and she said kitten is somewhere around 6 lbs and will gain a half pound a week so she'll hopefully be 7-7.5 by the time she arrives.  all her organs are ready for the world so it's any day now and we are so ready to meet her!  colby is more nervous about labor than i am, but we're both totally pumped about being parents.  i'm still comfortable, sleeping through the night, and haven't seen any stretch marks.  my face is pretty puffy, i've gained 25 lbs, and my hands are stiff from pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel and a little swelling, but all that is minor and i really can't complain.  i was very tired today for no real reason.  i woke up at 7 to spend time with colby before he went to work, and then i started playing christmas music and planning my day, but somehow i lost my motivation before i ever got started.  i ended up taking a nap and accomplishing nothing.  hopefully i'll be less of a sloth tomorrow.  i haven't officially nested yet so that needs to kick in soon!

i'm slightly disappointed that it's almost over and i haven't had any of the classic pregnancy stuff that people talk about.  i was sort of looking forward to weird cravings and baby brain.  i'm extremely thankful that i'm not having any crazy emotions or any of the negative things, so i guess i should just take my uneventful pregnancy and be happy with all of it.

TONS of gifts have been arriving every day and our coworkers also threw us an absolutely amazing shower, so i will try to do a big post tomorrow about everything with a million pictures.


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