island kitten is 22 weeks, ~11 inches, and 12-20 ounces. he's the size of a papaya -- how appropriate! the internet says he's sleeping 12-14 hours a day, but i'm already certain this kid is all colby because it seems like he's awake and kicking me pretty much non-stop, especially when i lie down to sleep at night. sebastian has felt him kick more than colby has, i think. basty likes to get up next to me and put his head right across the middle of my belly which kitten either loves or hates and starts going nuts in there. it's so stinkin' cute.
i have no stretch marks yet and my cavernous belly button is still at least a half inch deep, so i'm starting to feel like it might never come out. i would like for someone to tell me that if i'm not showing much now that i won't be huge by the end, but people instead tell me they weren't showing much at this stage either. i choose not to believe them.
right now my biggest problem is round ligament pain. every time i stand up, i have to hunch over until the pain subsides and then i can stand up straight. it's annoying but nothing i haven't gone through before with endometriosis pain. i'm starting to wonder if labor contractions are going to feel much different from the contractions i've felt in the past. i remember some so bad i couldn't stand up or drive myself home from work. if that's as bad as it gets, been there done that, i'm going to win pregnancy.
i had yet another dream where i already have the baby and it's a girl. she was sooooo pretty, but she wouldn't grasp the concept of breastfeeding so i had to keep putting her back in to cook a little longer. i love weird pregnancy dreams!
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