look at my belly!!!!
Friday, 31 August 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
25 weeks
kitten is a cauliflower! she's putting on baby fat and starting to look more like a newborn. her hair is growing and if we could see it we'd know what color it's going to be. supposedly my hair is growing more too, but it seems to still be falling out at the same rate as always, so i'm having a hard time believing that. if the heartburn old wives tale is true, this kid is going to have a full on afro by the time she's born. i can't even eat a bowl of cereal without acid coming up in my mouth!
other than the reflux and the non-stop peeing, i'm actually feeling really great. no back problems, no peeing myself, and i'm sleeping like a rock. i'm still wearing my regular clothes and haven't gotten bigger anywhere but my belly. thanks to the dumb tropical storm, it's been gloomy here for weeks, so no beautiful beach belly photos unfortunately. we did take 24 week pics in the house and at frank bay, but they look like crap:

other than the reflux and the non-stop peeing, i'm actually feeling really great. no back problems, no peeing myself, and i'm sleeping like a rock. i'm still wearing my regular clothes and haven't gotten bigger anywhere but my belly. thanks to the dumb tropical storm, it's been gloomy here for weeks, so no beautiful beach belly photos unfortunately. we did take 24 week pics in the house and at frank bay, but they look like crap:
Thursday, 23 August 2012
lamest tropical storm ever! my pool noodles didn't even fly away from the balcony. colby's at work today, but our sales office was closed so i'm at home being bored with little bastian. we are, of course, safe and sound.
i think kitten flipped back to breech because she's kickboxing my bladder again today. i'm about to make a grilled cheese and eat it with pickles. is that a weird pregnancy thing or just a weird nellie thing?
i think kitten flipped back to breech because she's kickboxing my bladder again today. i'm about to make a grilled cheese and eat it with pickles. is that a weird pregnancy thing or just a weird nellie thing?
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
24 weeks
petite kitten is now the size of a canteloupe, and around a foot long! our little $5 footlong has almost reached the gestational age of viability, meaning if she were born now she would potentially be able to survive. babycenter says my uterus is the size of a soccer ball, but i'm just not sure how that's possible or where it all fits in there. i felt a weird movement across my belly yesterday right below my belly button, and then started getting a lot of bumps much higher up than usual, so i'm wondering if she flipped over and is no longer breech.
our little family is about to go through our first tropical storm/hurricane together. isaac is closing in this afternoon and is projected to become a category 1 hurricane over us or just after it passes by us. we stocked up on water, bread, peanut butter, jelly, pretzels, and flashlights -- all the essentials! we're going to go pick up some sandbags this afternoon when i leave work just in case it rains into our apartment, which i have a feeling it will based on the odd design. the building is solid concrete new construction, so i'm not worried about the wind, just the rain. i'm kind of excited but a little nervous, mainly about losing power and being miserably hot. i already sweat enough with the A/C running constantly! if our internet still works, i'll try to update on how things are going.
our little family is about to go through our first tropical storm/hurricane together. isaac is closing in this afternoon and is projected to become a category 1 hurricane over us or just after it passes by us. we stocked up on water, bread, peanut butter, jelly, pretzels, and flashlights -- all the essentials! we're going to go pick up some sandbags this afternoon when i leave work just in case it rains into our apartment, which i have a feeling it will based on the odd design. the building is solid concrete new construction, so i'm not worried about the wind, just the rain. i'm kind of excited but a little nervous, mainly about losing power and being miserably hot. i already sweat enough with the A/C running constantly! if our internet still works, i'll try to update on how things are going.
Monday, 20 August 2012
healthy baby girl!
we had a midwife appointment today and our little kitkat is healthy as can be. all the blood tests were good, sonogram was flawless, and measurements are right on time. she said my weight is fine as long as baby continues to measure correctly and i feel good. i'm slightly anemic, but that's normal and my iron and b12 are fine, so she said not to change anything. she also said that i have strong abs that are keeping baby in, and likely won't get too big but there's no way to say for sure. one thing is for sure: we're making a superbaby!
23 weeks 5 days
Sunday, 19 August 2012
i wrote a comment on a post today on babycenter and then found myself reading it back a couple times and it brought tears to my eyes. i thought it would be good to post here for safe keeping :)
of all my life aspirations, i have always said that the one thing i had to do and was meant to do was be a mother. i was told i would not be able to conceive naturally after age 30 and that thought has tortured me for 8+ years as i struggled to find a worthy man and get to the point where we agreed to and could afford infertility treatments. as it turns out, i found the man of my dreams AND got pregnant with a surprise baby at 31. she wasn't planned per se, but she's all i've ever wanted!
of all my life aspirations, i have always said that the one thing i had to do and was meant to do was be a mother. i was told i would not be able to conceive naturally after age 30 and that thought has tortured me for 8+ years as i struggled to find a worthy man and get to the point where we agreed to and could afford infertility treatments. as it turns out, i found the man of my dreams AND got pregnant with a surprise baby at 31. she wasn't planned per se, but she's all i've ever wanted!
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
23 weeks
kitten thompson is now the size of a large mango. two days ago, she was practicing muay thai in there and i could see her kicks next to my belly button! it was one of the most awesome things that has ever happened to me, and i'm excited/scared for what's still to come. she's getting so strong and it's crazy how fast she was moving when we watched her on the sonogram. she's going to hate getting cramped up in there when she gets big and my ribs are going to pay for it.
i had those dreams about kitten being a girl and i was right, and last night i had a dream that i decided to go natural and skip the epidural. i've decided to very seriously consider it and it's now on my list of things to discuss with my midwife at my next appointment. if it gets labor over with faster and my body was designed to do it, i'm willing to give it a shot. if i chicken out, that's OK. and if i chicken out and it's too late to get the epidural, then i'll do what i have to do.
i don't have a scale, but i feel pretty confident that i haven't gained much weight. i do let myself indulge in one snack a day, but i try to make sure i eat plenty of fruits and vegetables before that. the day we went to st. thomas last week was the absolute worst, though and i'm still feeling guilty about it. i had donuts and a latte for breakfast, wendy's spicy chicken combo for lunch and i think we had either tacos or pizza for dinner. i will not be doing that again! my appetite hasn't noticeably increased, and in fact i can't eat as much as i used to. i get specific cravings and feel like i'm starving to death but then when i start to eat i fill up fast. the massive quantity of water i drink might factor into that.
i had those dreams about kitten being a girl and i was right, and last night i had a dream that i decided to go natural and skip the epidural. i've decided to very seriously consider it and it's now on my list of things to discuss with my midwife at my next appointment. if it gets labor over with faster and my body was designed to do it, i'm willing to give it a shot. if i chicken out, that's OK. and if i chicken out and it's too late to get the epidural, then i'll do what i have to do.
i don't have a scale, but i feel pretty confident that i haven't gained much weight. i do let myself indulge in one snack a day, but i try to make sure i eat plenty of fruits and vegetables before that. the day we went to st. thomas last week was the absolute worst, though and i'm still feeling guilty about it. i had donuts and a latte for breakfast, wendy's spicy chicken combo for lunch and i think we had either tacos or pizza for dinner. i will not be doing that again! my appetite hasn't noticeably increased, and in fact i can't eat as much as i used to. i get specific cravings and feel like i'm starving to death but then when i start to eat i fill up fast. the massive quantity of water i drink might factor into that.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
i look pregnant today! i think by the time we do 23 week pictures we'll finally be able to see a noticeable difference. i'm excited about going back to the doctor to see how much i weigh because i might have finally surpassed my pre-pregnancy (pre-morning-sickness) weight and baby girl will grow so fast from here on out. she's already 1 lb 1 oz according to the ultrasound, and her head and belly are measuring just a couple days behind, but unsurprisingly her femur is measuring over a week ahead. she's going to be a gorgeous, leggy heartbreaker, we just know it already! with colby's height and my figure, she'll be a victoria's secret model without a doubt :)
we were pretty much settled on a boy name because we were so sure that's what we'd have, but now we're back to square one on girl names. i'm still stuck on mary because of my grandmas sharing that name, but i really want to use katherine or kathryn so that i can use all the nicknames like kate, kat, kitty, katy, etc. we've already been calling her "kitten" so it just works. colby really likes katherine but is resisting mary. it means "bitter" and it is an admittedly boring name, but it has all the qualities we like in that it is traditional, easy to spell, and everyone knows it but no one has it. colby likes amory and my grandpa's name was emery, so that's where we are right now: katherine emery... katherine amory... i'll have to toss those around and see how it feels in a few days.
in other news, i'm starting to put together some pretty solid ideas on what needs to be on our registries. i've registered on babies r us and amazon. we don't have room for a nursery, we're cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and not using pacifiers, plus we live on an island so our needs are going to be a little different from most people i think. is it tacky to ask for gift cards? does that take the fun out of it?
we were pretty much settled on a boy name because we were so sure that's what we'd have, but now we're back to square one on girl names. i'm still stuck on mary because of my grandmas sharing that name, but i really want to use katherine or kathryn so that i can use all the nicknames like kate, kat, kitty, katy, etc. we've already been calling her "kitten" so it just works. colby really likes katherine but is resisting mary. it means "bitter" and it is an admittedly boring name, but it has all the qualities we like in that it is traditional, easy to spell, and everyone knows it but no one has it. colby likes amory and my grandpa's name was emery, so that's where we are right now: katherine emery... katherine amory... i'll have to toss those around and see how it feels in a few days.
in other news, i'm starting to put together some pretty solid ideas on what needs to be on our registries. i've registered on babies r us and amazon. we don't have room for a nursery, we're cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and not using pacifiers, plus we live on an island so our needs are going to be a little different from most people i think. is it tacky to ask for gift cards? does that take the fun out of it?
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Thursday, 9 August 2012
we are SO excited about tomorrow's ultrasound i don't even know how we can sleep tonight!!! we're hoping for a boy, but i've really settled into the idea that we're having a girl because of all the dreams i've been having. my biggest fear is having 3 boys and no girl, and colby's is the opposite. our ideal family is a boy and then a girl and then we're done, so that our little girl can have a big brother. we will obviously love our kids no matter what order they come in or sex they are, but having big brothers was awesome and little brothers were so annoying! on the other hand, my mom brought up the fact that having a big sister to help with the boys would be great too, so i'm sure there are a million different ways to look at things and you can't always get what you want. we're just crazy pumped to be starting our family and hoping for a healthy, fat baby.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
22 weeks
island kitten is 22 weeks, ~11 inches, and 12-20 ounces. he's the size of a papaya -- how appropriate! the internet says he's sleeping 12-14 hours a day, but i'm already certain this kid is all colby because it seems like he's awake and kicking me pretty much non-stop, especially when i lie down to sleep at night. sebastian has felt him kick more than colby has, i think. basty likes to get up next to me and put his head right across the middle of my belly which kitten either loves or hates and starts going nuts in there. it's so stinkin' cute.
i have no stretch marks yet and my cavernous belly button is still at least a half inch deep, so i'm starting to feel like it might never come out. i would like for someone to tell me that if i'm not showing much now that i won't be huge by the end, but people instead tell me they weren't showing much at this stage either. i choose not to believe them.
right now my biggest problem is round ligament pain. every time i stand up, i have to hunch over until the pain subsides and then i can stand up straight. it's annoying but nothing i haven't gone through before with endometriosis pain. i'm starting to wonder if labor contractions are going to feel much different from the contractions i've felt in the past. i remember some so bad i couldn't stand up or drive myself home from work. if that's as bad as it gets, been there done that, i'm going to win pregnancy.
i had yet another dream where i already have the baby and it's a girl. she was sooooo pretty, but she wouldn't grasp the concept of breastfeeding so i had to keep putting her back in to cook a little longer. i love weird pregnancy dreams!
i have no stretch marks yet and my cavernous belly button is still at least a half inch deep, so i'm starting to feel like it might never come out. i would like for someone to tell me that if i'm not showing much now that i won't be huge by the end, but people instead tell me they weren't showing much at this stage either. i choose not to believe them.
right now my biggest problem is round ligament pain. every time i stand up, i have to hunch over until the pain subsides and then i can stand up straight. it's annoying but nothing i haven't gone through before with endometriosis pain. i'm starting to wonder if labor contractions are going to feel much different from the contractions i've felt in the past. i remember some so bad i couldn't stand up or drive myself home from work. if that's as bad as it gets, been there done that, i'm going to win pregnancy.
i had yet another dream where i already have the baby and it's a girl. she was sooooo pretty, but she wouldn't grasp the concept of breastfeeding so i had to keep putting her back in to cook a little longer. i love weird pregnancy dreams!
Friday, 3 August 2012
we are officially scheduled for an anatomy scan on friday 8/10. just one more week until we find out if we're having a colby jr or a mini nellie!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
cruz bay-by belly
woke up this morning with a little extra bump! we're headed to dennis beach tomorrow morning to do more 21 week pics, so stay tuned :)
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
21 weeks
kitten thompson is 21 weeks today! he allegedly weighs 3/4 of a pound and is the length of a carrot. i'm feeling him move every day, especially if i have caffeine, and some of the kicks and nudges are quite painful. i woke up today feeling like i finally look pregnant at least to people who know me, but i'm still patiently waiting for the "baby bump" that tells strangers i'm not just fat. my belly button scars are stretching painfully, but i still have a bottomless pit of a navel with no outtie anywhere in the near future. our little kitten has been balled up on the left side of my belly for a couple days now i guess, because when i look down i'm noticeably lopsided. i'm sleeping pretty well and still glowing so to speak, but i felt tired and cranky today for some reason. hopefully i'll be back to feeling like myself tomorrow. i don't want to be the whiny pregnant lady; i want to be the annoyingly upbeat there's-a-miracle-in-my-belly mama.
colby and i don't have compatible work schedules this week, so the weekly photos might be a couple days late but we won't forget. some time in the next 2 weeks we will find out the sex and then i can start shopping for ridiculously adorable christmas outfits!
colby and i don't have compatible work schedules this week, so the weekly photos might be a couple days late but we won't forget. some time in the next 2 weeks we will find out the sex and then i can start shopping for ridiculously adorable christmas outfits!
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