when i was about 5 years old, i remember arguing with my mom and receiving the age old curse, "i hope when you grow up you have a daughter just like you!" my snappy comeback was to say "i hope i do too because i want my daughter to love me as much as i love you!" i thought i was so clever with my smart mouth, but it's funny looking back now and realizing that even back then all i've ever wanted in life was to be as awesome of a mother as my mama.
people say you never realize how much you can love someone until you have a child of your own, but i feel like i had a pretty good idea. it wasn't surprising to me when our little kitten was growing in my belly and i fell more and more in love with her every day. when she came out so tiny and perfect and settled right into my arms, it was everything i thought it would be. i know exactly how much my mom loves me because she has shown it in every word and action my entire life. she sang to me, rocked me, rubbed my back, and/or held my hand until i fell asleep every night long past the age when that usually stops. when i was teased in school, she made me feel proud of the things that others considered flaws, and to this day i am still proud of those things. she always gave me plenty of trust and freedom and was there to pick up the pieces if things didn't work out. as i got older, i know it must have been hard for her to do, but she fostered my independence. she supported me dropping out of college to move to nyc when i was 18 because she knew the best thing for me was getting out of our small town -- or maybe because she knew i was going to do it regardless!
whenever i read about different "parenting styles" and studies on what you should and shouldn't do, i dismiss them immediately. i frequently joke that my parenting style is "do everything exactly the way that my mom did" but it's really not a joke. i honestly don't think she could have done a better job raising me. she didn't have all the excessive information we have forced on us thanks to the internet mommy wars, so i refuse to get wrapped up in that unnecessary crap. love and patience was all i needed. i remember being very young and choosing to behave because i loved her so much and wanted to make her happy. i hope it stays that simple and amazing with my own daughter.
i love you mom!!!!!!!