ok, this is super late getting posted, but i'll try not to include any of the recent developments over the past few weeks. kiki is ten months old! she's still not walking, but oh my goodness is she a climber. she can climb up onto the bottom shelf of our wicker console table, across to the other side, and back down without any help. she can also get herself entirely out of a walker or an exersaucer. she climbed into a bin full of toys, leaned over until it flipped on its side and then crawled out over the mess as if nothing had happened. we aren't encouraging walking but honestly, it might be preferable to climbing.

she's only ten months old, but our little jet setter baby has already been on seven separate plane flights and she was an absolute dream 99% of the time. we recently took a two week trip to visit our families in the states, and although we had every possible problem in the world with spirit airlines, kiki barely protested. the hardest part was keeping her from happily squealing at the sleeping people in the seats around us. as it turns out, not everyone likes babies even if they are happy ones who rarely ever cry. a lady next to me put a sweater over her head to take a nap and kiki, thinking the lady was playing peekaboo, snatched it off her head and laughed so hard. i felt bad but it still cracks me up when i think about it.
the first part of our trip involved going to my grandparents' memorial and funeral, so kiki (and colby) got to meet almost all of my family for the first time. i'm pretty sure cousin rachel was her favorite! while we were there we got to wear pants and sweaters and cuddle under a blanket on the porch at night. i even wore a scarf and boots a few times. if you've never had island fever that probably doesn't sound very exciting, but it was amazing to me and i was afraid i'd never want to come back. luckily by the end of the second week, we were missing our island home. two weeks was the exact amount of time to get all the starbucks, chipotle, and mellow mushroom that we needed (and of course see our families!) and then return to paradise, fulfilled and ready to face another high season. bring on the tourists.