Saturday, 14 September 2013

9 months

monkiki is 9 months old! she is 29.5 inches long and weighs 19 lbs. she's standing unassisted, but not taking any steps yet. we're not encouraging her to walk though, because she's already into everything! she's mimicking words, waving, blowing kisses, crawling super fast, and eating just about everything. her favorite food is plain greek yogurt, but she also loves garlic quinoa & brown rice, toast, sweet potato puree, and pizza crust. a few things she has tried and liked and then fed to the dog: broccoli, meatloaf, sweet potato fries, french fries, and blueberries. i made her some teething biscuits with the surplus of baby oatmeal cereal and she loved those, but sebastian loved them more. she has learned that if she holds something out to him, he will take it from her hand and then she watches him eat it and laughs. it might be time to get her a high chair after all.

she continues to love music more and more. anything remotely resembling music makes her dance, and sometimes she even sings and dances and bangs on things just because. i woke up the other morning to her tapping a beat on the mirror and singing "la la la la" all by herself in the pack n play. i think we have a future musician or dancer!
this is our unanimous favorite picture of her from the past month. she is such a silly girl, always making funny faces!