Saturday, 13 April 2013

kitten dictionary

starfish [stahr-fish]
what kitten does when her startle reflex kicks in for no reason and her arms and legs fly out straight in a starfish position.
i kissed cat while she was studying her hands intensely, causing her to starfish.

cheese [cheez
1. partially digested, curdled spit up. 
you've got a little chunky cheese on your shirt.
2. the act of spitting up.
oh no, she cheesed me!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

4 months

kitty long legs is 4 months old today! i don't have any stats on her height or weight, but i can tell you she's growing like a weed. she's still wearing size 1 diapers and 3 month onesies, but she's in 6 month jammies and pants thanks to those legs she gets from her dad. they say it's too early to tell how tall a child will be when they are older, but i think it's pretty safe to say she's going to be taller than me.

her eyes are still dark blue, with a lighter blue ring around the inside. my eyes are brown and green and colby's are multi-color green. our moms both have blue or green eyes and our dads have brown, so there's no punnet square thingy to even attempt to guess, but i have a feeling they are going to be unique and of course gorgeous. her dark hair has almost completely fallen out except for the mullet in the very back, and golden blonde hair is coming in on top. colby and i were both blonde as kids, so this is no surprise.

kitten babbles and laughs all the time now and loves to blow spit bubbles all down the front of her shirt. hands are still super cool to stare at and chew on, and she's starting to grab at the flower with both hands while "talking" to it, or maybe she's singing. she's trying really hard to master sitting up, but hasn't quite gotten it. she actually gets mad when i lay her across my legs or cradle hold her like a baby and she fights to try to sit up. if i let her grab my fingers, she can pull herself up to sitting and wobble around for a while. she also very much likes to stand up on our laps, and she thinks it's so funny to stand on one leg. she can roll front to back, but since she never lays on her back we're not sure if she can roll the other way yet. based on her boppy gymnastics and sitting/standing abilities, i'm not concerned about it or going to risk puke volcanoes by putting her on her back to work on it.

she's still sleeping through the night with hardly any exceptions. there's supposed to be a 4 month sleep regression, but i've discovered that if she does wake up in the middle of the night i can rock her back to sleep in the bouncer without even picking her up so hopefully that's the extent of it. maybe i'll regret bragging, but this little angel sleeps 8-12 hours straight right now, so even a slight regression for her would still leave us all well rested.

basically, she's a happy, healthy, perfect, sweet 4 month old baby!